Wild Life Drawing Online: Hedgehogs

Wild Life Drawing Online: Hedgehogs

9th Feb 2023 7pm - 9pm
Greenwich Mean Time

This is a live-stream event

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2023-02-09 19:00:00 2023-02-09 21:00:00 Europe/London Wild Life Drawing Online: Hedgehogs Live virtual stream event


Online Ticket
£10.00 + £1.75 fee

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Event Details

This upcoming class is sure to spike your interest, as we will be drawing one of the UK’s favourite animals, the Hedgehog! There are several species of hedgehog across the world, but we will be focusing our attention on our very own native, the European Hedgehog. We will be learning all about the habits of these handsome hogs, from their late night slug hunts to their impressive repertoire of grunts, squeaks and snuffles. 

We are so pleased to be teaming up with People’s Trust for Endangered Species for this class. We will be joined online by the charity's very own Hedgehog Officer, Grace Johnson who runs the Hedgehog Street campaign in conjunction with The British Hedgehog Preservation Society. Hedgehog populations are unfortunately in rapid decline, but there are signs of hope. PTES conducted a comprehensive report on hedgehog numbers in 2022, and their findings suggest that while rural populations are falling at alarming rates, urban hedgehog numbers are stable and may even be on the rise. Grace was part of the team who worked on this report, and will be happy to tell us all about the findings. 

The class with be lead by artist and wildlife enthusiast Laura Cuppage who will begin with her top hedgehog drawing tips. We will be drawing from reference images provided by PTES. As the session progresses, Laura will be on hand with plenty of creative guidance, and Grace will tell us all about the wonderful hedgehog conservation work she is part of. There will be plenty of time to answer all your questions too!

The basic materials you need to take part are paper, a pencil, eraser and sharpener, but of course you are more than welcome to work in whatever materials you enjoy or have to hand. Please get in touch if you need advice on materials, we’re happy to help! You will be emailed the reference images, instructions and the Zoom link to join 48 hours before the event is due to start, or in good time if you booked your ticket closer to the event.

50% of ticket profits will go to People’s Trust for Endangered Species.