Wild Life Drawing Online: Dormice

Wild Life Drawing Online: Dormice

8th Nov 2022 7pm - 8:30pm
Greenwich Mean Time

This is a live-stream event

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2022-11-08 19:00:00 2022-11-08 20:30:00 Europe/London Wild Life Drawing Online: Dormice Live virtual stream event


Online Ticket
£10.00 + £1.75 fee

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Event Details

Join us this November for a cosy evening drawing one of the UK’s sweetest species, the Dormouse. Did you know that despite the name and resemblance, these critters aren't actually mice at all? We will focus on the Hazel Dormouse, which is sadly classified as “rare and vulnerable to extinction”. 

There is so much to learn about these animals and the issues affecting them. Who better then to join us but Ian White, People’s Trust for Endangered Species’ very own dormouse expert! Ian will teach us about the big issues facing these tiny animals, and PTES’s annual dormouse reintroduction programme. We will also learn some practical ways that we too can help in the effort save the dormouse. 

The class with be lead by artist and wildlife enthusiast Laura Cuppage who will begin with her top dormouse drawing tips. We will be working from some highly adorable reference images. As the session progresses, Laura will be on hand with creative guidance, and Ian will be happy to answer your questions. 

The basic materials you need to take part are paper, a pencil, eraser and sharpener, but of course you are more than welcome to work in whatever materials you enjoy or have to hand. Please get in touch if you need advice on materials, we’re happy to help! You will be emailed the reference images, instructions and the Zoom link to join 48 hours before the event is due to start, or in good time if you booked your ticket closer to the event.

50% of ticket profits will go to People’s Trust for Endangered Species.